
Hey, I am Madhukar, welcome to my blog. I lead product and technology at Sopact, a social enterprise on a mission to democratize data analysis for non-profit and social enterprises. I am passionate about developing full-stack open-source web applications and have built and launched many – head over to my current and past projects to know more about my work. I use Laravel, Vue, Tailwind CSS, and Docker for most of my projects as I feel productive using this stack and feel it’s the fastest way to build moderate to complex web applications.

I like developing new technologies and tinkering with open-source software, for example, you are reading this on an open-source WordPress site that I have hosted on HETZNER using Docker containers. I enjoy every aspect of the experience, good and bad, that comes along with doing this on my own.

I hold a B.S. in computer science engineering and an MBA.

I live with my wife and daughter in Dublin, CA. In my free time, I like building open-source projects and blogging about Impact Measurement, Product, Technology, and Leadership. My latest open-source projects are AppAre and SeasonSurvey.

You can connect with me on